Friday, 24 July 2015

Have You Made Your Bucket List?

My friend and I will both reach milestone birthdays this year. The kind that ushers you into another decade and tends to engender a lot of fuss. My friend is eager to embrace it, own it if you will. I could take or leave it - in the words of that long forgotten Eurovision winner, "What's another year?"

Recently, however, my friend came up with the idea of a bucket list whereby we would write down everything we’d like to achieve in our landmark year. A little bit in the style of only having a year left to live. I have to say, I struggled to muster up much enthusiasm, as I anticipated two possible outcomes. At worst, I could end up embarking upon a year of idiotic, daredevil behaviour. The kind designed to reassure people that they still have a little bit of life left in them. And at best I’d be faced with a list reminding me of wasted opportunities and unfulfilled hopes and dreams. 

I’m happy to report that I couldn't have been more wrong and I’m now an advocate of everybody writing their own wish list, regardless of their age. My first surprise was that I didn't really have any unfulfilled burning desires. I love travelling and have travelled extensively but, if it all ended tomorrow, I’m happy with my lot. Likewise with books I would like to read or films I've always wanted to see. If something catches my eye, I pretty much read it, see it, experience it, as and when the fancy takes me. I realised that, contrary to what I’ve always thought, I live in the moment and don't put things off until tomorrow. 

The second surprise came with the actual list. My friend and I compiled two separate lists but they came out spookily similar. There was no bungee jumping, sky diving or mountains to climb but instead just simple, joyful pleasures. We both wanted to perform a random act of kindness for a complete stranger, go dancing, sing as part of a choir, go for a long country walk and learn how to cook. 

Making my list reminded me that it really is the small moments which bring us the most happiness and my life is actually pretty fulfilled. So, if you want to remind yourself how great your life is, I suggest you take an inventory and work on that list right now.


  1. No daredevil escapades for me either! There are places I’d like to visit, having lost a lot of years caring for a special needs daughter, but I agree, it’s mostly the small everyday pleasures which mean the most.

    1. I think it's so life affirming when you come to that realisation, Cathy. All the other 'fancy' stuff in the big scheme of things doesn't mean much at all :D
